Thursday, 20 December 2012

Book of Spells!

As promised, here is a selection of work that I did for Sony's "The Book of Spells" based on writing by J.K.Rowling.

Also, if you didnt check out my last post, Jackpot! only has 40 days to go now and we are 32% of the way there!!! Please check out if you havent yet and help us make the game a reality! It's all or nothing folks!




Tuesday, 4 December 2012


My new project Jackpot! is now live at kickstarter! CLICK HERE! to check it out. I have 60 days to raise £5000 and it's all or nothing. So please pledge as little or as much as you can.

The game is a zombie survival tabletop card game set in a hillbilly game show. Your goal is to win money and survive longer than all of the other contestants. Its a tonne of fun so please go check it out.

Oh, and here is some artwork. Enjoy.




Friday, 5 October 2012

Game Concepts

Some recent work submitted to a local games company. Some of the text has been filtered in respect to keeping certain elements of the game undisclosed. Enjoy.

Sunday, 1 July 2012


This is one of the versions of the Resident Evil 6 packshots I put together at Axis Animation for the sponsorship spot at the beginning of Channel 5's 'The Walking Dead' series. (All rights belong to Channel 5 and Capcom respectively.) This mainly involved creating the mock up cases and editing a background and relevant text/styles to fit.

I also recently completed a chunk of artwork assets for SCEE's Book of Spell's for PS3 based on J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter' book series (announced and shown at the recent E3 event). Sadly, I still cant show any of that work untill the game is released. Be sure that you will see it here first when I can show it though.


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Jamie's Wondersome Card Game!

So I have recently been on a few new projects with Axis, which are still under NDA, and since they finished up I decided to finally start work on my card game which had been sitting in my "things to do" book. After refreshing my knowledge in games design theory stuff (Thanks Graham for pointing me at 'Rules of Play') its off to a flying start i think. Im working in a different art style AGAIN, which I love to do anyhow, so it has been greatly refreshing. It is still in the prototype stages however but I can hopefully get some playtesting done with some groups at Highlander Games in Dundee toward the end of this week.

Here are some of my favourites with finished artwork and a couple of insruction pages. Not quite strapped down on a name yet. It will come with time I believe.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Li Ning

Here is a selection of my work completed for Axis Animation's recent Li Ning Project.